coreide70.bpl download and install
Choose the first letter of the dll files:
| coreide70.bpl
Version: |
Description | : Core Integrated Development Environment |
Company | : Borland Software Corporation | Architecture | : 32 bits |
File Size | : 3180544 Byte ( 3.03 MB ) |
File Date | : 2011-7-31 |
How to Install coreide70.bpl manually?
Please read our disclaimer before installing. (Make a backup copy of the original file)
- Free Download coreide70.bpl to your computer.
- Copy the file to the install directory of the program that missing the file.
- If that doesn't work. you have to move the file to the system directory.
- (Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7) - C:\Windows\System32
- (Windows NT/2000) - C:\WINNT\System32
- (Windows 95/98/Me) - C:\Windows\System
If you use a 64 bit version of Windows, The System Directory in C:\Windows\SysWOW64\
- Reboot computer.